In a world plagued by darkness and devastation, where legends and myths hold fragments of truth, a group of demi-gods known as the False Gods emerges from the shadows. Feared and revered, the False Gods are assumed to be nothing more than a tale spun by bards to entertain the masses. But when whispers of an ancient order called the Hellsung, seeking to bring about the end of the world, reach their ears, the False Gods realize they must step out of obscurity and confront this looming threat.

The Game

Echoes of the False Gods is a game based around player-directed story telling. This is done through 'Visual Novel'-stylized game play that gives the player options with how they want to interact with the world around them. Although the game features a guided main story, there are other ways to interact with the the world:

Want to spend an evening at the local Tavern? How about a chat with the Blacksmith, while purchasing new weapons? Maybe you just want to look help fell a creature plaguing the town? Hell, you might even enter a tournament to test your strength against others!

And yes... you read that right - purchase weapons and enter a tournament. Although the game presents itself in a 'Visual Novel' style, that is just the driving function for the story telling. The game also has a strong focus around JRPG style turn-based combat. As you uncover the story, your band of characters will fight through increasingly stronger enemies - including gear upgrades, and skill progression.


This is a proof-of-concept game in early ALPHA stage, so expect some things to either not be properly finished, or break. There are placeholder textboxes for things you can access but are unfinished.

Even still, you should get a good hour or two of opening game play that sets up the story and allows you to interact with the first village; completing some side and main quests, and chat with some locals to get an idea of the concept.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my project.

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